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This tutorial deploys Squidex as a container on , which is a managed compute platform that lets you run containerized applications.
The tutorial does not cover the basics of GCP. You should be familiar with them before you begin with the installation instructions. This tutorial uses the following services from GCP:
running on Google Cloud
This tutorial used MongoDB Atlas on Cloud running in shared (free) mode and is recommended for non-production, trial or sandboxed environments as it has limited resources and basic configuration. For production environments, it is best to go for one of the Pay-as-you-go models such as Dedicated. You can also deploy your own cluster.
Use this tutorial as a getting started guide in GCP to explore Squidex or use it as a Dev/Sandbox environment. This setup may not be recommended for a production environment as it does meet requirements such as scalability and high-availability.
Before you begin, ensure you meet the following requirements:
An active Google Cloud account.
A Project in GCP
Over the course of this installation you will create the following resources:
A Cloud Storage bucket
A Cloud Run instance
A free MongoDB Atlas cluster at
Important Details
Default resource allocations
Squidex instance: 1 vCPU and 1.5 GiB memory
Register by clicking Sign up with Google (2) and sign-in using your existing Google Cloud credentials. This is the fastest way to register. On successful registration and login you will be redirected to the portal Projects page.
Start by creating a project. Click New Project (3).
Provide a project name such as Squidex (4) and click Next (5) to continue.
Finish project creation by clicking Create Project (6).
The next step is to create the MongoDB database. Click Build a Database (7) to start.
Select Create under Shared which provides 1 free cluster.
Ensure again that Free Shared (9) option is selected, click Google Cloud (10), select a region of choice (11) and click Create Cluster (12).
In the next step, set Security details. Enter a Username (13) and Password (14) of choice (or click Autogenerate Secure Password to get one generated). Click Create User (15).
Finally, add network access permissions so Squidex can talk to it. Ensure My Local Environment (16) is selected, enter (17) for IP Address and any Description (18). Click Add Entry (19).
Click Finish and Close. This will redirect you to the Database Deployments page similar to the screenshot below.
You will need the connection information for this MongoDB for use in the app configuration later. To copy the connection string click Connect (20) and then select Connect your application (21).
Select C#/.NET (22) & 2.13 or later (23), copy the connection string (24) and click Close (24)
This completes creating the free MongoDB Atlas cluster.
The following steps require Google cloud CLI, which can be installed on your development machine or you can use the Cloud Shell. The later is preferred for convenience. To launch Cloud Shell click on the google cloud web console next to the search bar.
Run the following commands in sequence to create an Artifact Registry, download the latest Squidex from dockerhub and push it to Artifact Registry.
Follow the steps below to create a Cloud Storage bucket for Squidex assets.
Sign into Google Cloud Console and navigate to Cloud Storage page. Select Buckets (1) (should be already selected) and click + Create (2).
Enter a unique name (3) for the bucket and click Create (4). You can leave the rest of the settings as it is or feel free to modify them as per needs.
You may be prompted with a message. Click Confirm (5).
You will be taken to the bucket page. This completes the storage bucket creation step.
Navigate to Cloud Run page in Google Cloud. Click + Create Service (1) to begin.
Click Select (2), choose Artifact Registry tab and select (3) the Squidex image added earlier. Click Select (4) to continue.
A Service name (5) is already assigned, modify this if needed. Set Minimum number of instance to 1 and Maximum number of instance to 1 (6).
At this point Squidex has not been tested for autoscaling on Cloud Run, setting more than 1 instances here may have issues.
Scroll down and select Allow all traffic (7) and Allow unauthenticated invocations (8). Then expand (9) the Containers, Connections, Security section.
Set Container port to 5000 (10) and set Memory to 1 and CPU to 1 (11).
Finally we set the environment variables. Click +Add Variable (12) and set the following environment variables (13) one by one replacing the values with your actual values where applicable, click Create (14) when done.
Wait until the deployment is complete and you have sucessful notification with a green check. Copy the URL (15) and click Edit & Deploy New Version (16).
Add a new environment variable by clicking +Add Variable (17) and then adding the following (18). Click Deploy (19) when done.
If you want to use your **custom domain**, enter the domain/sub-domain here instead of the Cloud Run URL.
This should deploy a new revision of the Cloud Run and update the Base URL value in the app.
You can now open the URL in a browser and continue with Squidex setup.
Visit and click Start Free (1).
Do not change this value
Provide your own value
Provide your own value
Provide your own value
Do not change this value
Provide your own value
Learn How to Install Squidex on the Google Cloud Platform