Azure AD (OAuth) with Squidex

The steps in this article show how to use Azure AD (OAuth) as the Identity Provider for Squidex

Azure AD is a fully-managed Cloud-based identity service from Microsoft providing SSO, MFA and conditional access, amongst many other features.

Azure AD provides lots of authentication mechanisms such as OAuth, OIDC and Graph etc. This article uses the plain OAuth method. It shows you how to use Azure AD as an identity provider with a self-hosted Squidex installation. Azure AD provides authentication and authorization to users in the Azure AD tenant for your App.

A basic understanding of Azure AD is highly recommended as the article does not explain what Azure AD is and how it works. Microsoft Learn has excellent documentation for this.


These prerequisites should be in place to successfully follow this article:

  • An Azure Active Directory tenant (FREE tier will work).

    • It is assumed that the Azure AD has a domain associated with it, e.g.

  • An installation of Squidex. See instructions available for various platforms.

An Azure subscription is NOT required for this setup

Azure AD Configuration

Register an Azure AD App

During this step, you will register an application with Azure AD and gather a few details that will be required to configure Squidex.

  1. Start by navigating to

  2. In the top search box, type Active Directory (1) and select Azure Active Directory (2) from the list.

    Navigate to Azure Active Directory
  3. On the Azure AD page, select App registrations (3) from the left blade and then click + New registration (4).

    Start registration of a new app
  4. On the Register an application screen enter a Name (5) for the App, select Accounts in this organizational directory only (6). Under the Redirect URI (optional) section, set the following values:

    1. Choose Web (7) from the drop down

    2. Then enter your Squidex domain URL followed by /signin-microsoft. The URI must have /signin-microsoft else it will fail.

    Click Register (8) when done.

    Register an app
  5. In the Azure AD app details page, copy the Application (client) ID (9) and Directory (tenant) ID (10) values as they will be needed later.

    Note down App ID and Tenant ID
  6. Select Certificates & Secrets (11) from the left, next click + New client secret (12). Give a Description (13) for the secret and click Add (14).

    Generate client secret
  7. Copy the secret Value (15) shown in this step.

    Note down client secret value
  8. Finally click on Authentication (16), check ID tokens (17) and click Save (18).

    Enable ID token

Configure Squidex for Azure AD

In the next set of steps you will configure Squidex to use Azure AD. Depending on how Squidex is installed / running the steps to add these values will be different and unfortunately we cannot cover everything but in a nutshell, you want the following variables configured with the values collected earlier.

When the values are null, Microsoft authentication is disabled.



Application (client) ID


Client Secret Value


Directory (tenant) ID

Kubernetes / Helm Example

For example, if using Kubernetes Helm charts, these variables should be updated with the values in the values.yaml file.

Sample helm values.yaml configuration for enabling Microsoft authentication

Azure App Service Example

Similarly, if Squidex is running on an Azure App Service, they are added to the Configuration of the app service. An example is provided below.

Sample app service configuration for enabling Microsoft authentication

Docker Example

When running it using Docker Compose (or Docker) they are updated in a .env file that is used by the docker-compose.yml file or you can update the values directly in the docker-compose.yml file itself (not recommended).

The rest of the steps here refer to a Docker based containerized installation that uses the code/resources provided at and uses a .env file.

  1. In the .env file set the values. Note that these variables are only used in the context of Docker, they are referenced by the actual variables in the docker-compose.yml file. A sample screenshot is provided below.

    Sample docker environment values for enabling Microsoft authentication
  2. Next update the Squidex container by recreating it. Run the following command to do so: docker-compose up -d --force-recreate squidex_squidex squidex_squidex is the default name of the container if you are running the docker-compose.yml file provided by us.

Test the Configuration

  1. Reload the Squidex page and click Login to Squidex.

  2. You should see a Login with Microsoft button. In the Signup section, you can also Signup with Microsoft.

    Signin with Microsoft
    Signup with Microsoft
  3. On the next screen, enter a username and password from the Azure AD tenant.

  4. When prompted for permissions, click Accept.

    Accept permissions
  5. You should be now be able to Signup or Login with a Microsoft account from the configured Azure AD tenant using OAuth.

Last updated